Ensemble Reps are responsible for:
- Meeting with conductor, choosing music for the concerts and presenting the decision to the committee
- Arranging the music needed from Library/ publishers/ ULMS Store/ purchase/ borrow from other organisations
- Providing practice copies of music for performers who wish to practice in their own time
- Ensuring there are enough copies of pieces for all performers at rehearsals and concerts
- Find and check prices with the committee before making new major purchases of music, instruments, or equipment
- Writing programme notes and liaising with the programme officer over programme content
- Organising rehearsal schedules, setting up for rehearsals and ensuring they begin on time and that the room is left in its original state
- Announcing information in rehearsals such as concerts, socials, clothing orders
- Maintaining the tidiness of the cupboard after rehearsals
- Maintaining the ensemble’s music library
- Informing the committee of extra rehearsals including sectionals and making sure rooms are booked for them
- Arranging auditions and informing players of the results, including advertising the posts, organising audition times and organising audition pieces and accompaniment (if relevant)
- Writing regular information for the newsletters and emails to the ensemble with details of concerts, rehearsals etc.
- Arranging extra players if needed. These are not normally paid, if payment is required it must be agreed with the committee
- Liaising with other organisations to perform joint concerts
- Organising travel arrangements for trips to concerts or competitions outside the University
- Ensuring a full seating plan of each concert is available and that the stage is correctly set up
- Discussing changes or problems with the committee and conductor
- Informing the conductor of any committee decisions regarding the ensemble
They are the main point of contact to Committee for members of their ensemble.
This year’s ensemble reps and their contact details can be found on the committee page.